Friday, January 22, 2010

CEHD Ambassadors: Caity Sweet

This guest post is written by College of Education and Human Development ambassador and current student Caity Sweet.

Hi! I'm a Kinesiology major in CEHD and am in the Clinical Movement Science sub-plan along with a minor in Psychology. I hope to attend Physical Therapy school after graduation.The Kinesiology program at the U of M was a big draw to me because the program has a very strong curriculum and has so many opportunities. I love injuries; fixing them is like putting together an intricate puzzle, so Kinesiology was a natural fit for me.

The Kinesiology program has so many interesting classes like sport and exercies psychology and exercise physicology. There is also room within the major to complete your prerequisite courses for graduate school too, which is really nice. When choosing a college, I knew I wanted to get away from home. I'm from Waukesha, Wisc., but I also did not want to be too far away either. The U of M is far enough away from home, but close enough to go home for a weekend. The resources and opportunities avaiblable in the Twin Cities are endless...yet another reason I chose the University.

I really love being a student in CEHD. Everyone in the college is passionate about what they do and encourages you to get involved. Getting involved makes a community for you on campus and also makes the University seem so much smaller. I'm currently serving as an officer for the Pre-Physical Therapy Club. It's a great way to connect with people who have similar interests. I also have an internship with the athletic medicine department. As a student athletic trainer in the Bierman Athletic Complex, I have the opportunity to work with athletes from many different sports and see a wide range of injuries. I also get a lot of hands-on experience with sports injuries and rehabilitation programs.

I recently returned form a s study abroad experience in Greece and Turkey. I went through Arcadia University's College of Global Studeis Summer in Greece program for six weeks. It was a field-based course and we were very rarely in the classroom. I took two courses that fulfilled the last of my liberal education graduation requirements. Living in another part of the world has opened my eyes to other cultures and has taught me to appreicate what I have here; like air conditioning in 95-degree weather and being able to flush toilet paper! But my favorite part of the trip by far was the four-day trip we took to the island of Santorini. The island is known for its sunsets and didn't disappoint! While we were there, the New Acropolis Museum opened so we were able to be some of the first people to see it.

Through my study abroad experience, I was able to acquire an internship with the Learning Abroad Center. As part of the Global Ambassadors Internship program, we learn how to use our study abroad experience to our advantage and also help others plan their experiences. Being in CEHD, I've had nothing but wonderful experiences and doors opened for me that I never thought were possible.

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